This product comes from the major_category of Supplies, with the sub_category of Installation and the product_type of Copper Tubing. The model number is 7820, and features keywords such as COPPER, TUBE, ACR, 78COPPERTUBEACR, MUPFT78ACR1, TUBING, 190, AC6020, 7820. With a quantity of 20 per pack, you’re sure to get the right amount for any project with ease.
Craftsmanship is at the core of Mueller’s brand. The 7820 Copper Tubing is designed to go the distance, meeting product standards and bringing reliability to your worksite. With service worldwide, Mueller is dedicated to constantly providing the best in quality and performance. This 7/8" x 20' Copper Tubing ACR allows you to get the job done right, with a unique combination of performance, reliability, and economy.